Unleash The Power Of Your Purpose

Are you ready to rise above ordinary and get REAL results? Are you ready to overcome limiting beliefs and unlock your true potential? My name is Dr. Elona and I believe that true transformation begins with the mind.






Clarity • Energy • Courage • Productivity • Influence •

Reach heightened levels of performance in all areas of life

My approach

I understand that many people may feel stuck or unfulfilled in their current lives, even when they are remarkably successful. That's why I use a proven step-by-step process to help my clients identify and overcome limiting beliefs, increase self-awareness, and develop the mindset and skills needed to achieve their performance goals.

This Program Will Transform Your Life

I am a Certified High Performance Coach and Aesthetic Reconstructive Dentist at Inspire Smiles. My passion for helping individuals achieve their full potential extends beyond just oral health, I believe in the power of an action-bias approach to self-improvement.

An Emotionally Engaging 12-week Roadmap To Greater Success

Each 60-minute session will inspire your integrity, commitment and accountability leading to deep insights and major breakthroughs.

Our one-on-one sessions will train you with tools and techniques, a true pathway for progress that provides clarity with every session and advances you in life no matter your goal.

Mastering The Pillars Of High Performance

This 12-week High Performance Coaching Program primarily utilizes the research-based High Performance Academy methodology, which is a predictable process with proven results. I have coached dentists, successful entrepreneurs, executives, senior military officers, physicians and some of my clients are also coaches. I teach entrepreneurs how to level up their life strategy.

  • Psychology

    First conquer your mind. Identify obstacles and clarify your vision for the future using strategy and consistency to reach your goals.

  • Physiology

    Your body is a powerful temple. Master your mind, emotions and physical health to generate and sustain heightened levels of energy.

  • Purpose

    Dig deep into your motivation and purpose. Raise the bar and tap into the emotional grit that drives your performance.

  • Productivity

    Optimize your efficiency by developing powerful habits. Learn how to perform at a higher level in every important area of life.

  • Influence

    Take control of your presence. Leverage greater influence in your world so people will believe you, buy from you and invest in you.

  • Courage

    Great leaders demonstrate courage, even in the face of fear. Massive action is what sets peak performers apart on the path to victory.

Becoming Extraordinary

  • Someone who is consistently achieving extraordinary results in areas of life that are important to them.

    Being successful and fulfilled, without compromising their health and their most important relationships.

    They expand what is possible for themselves and others. A High Performer operates at the level of the top 2-5% of all people

  • The default of people is to be ordinary, to do ordinary things, and to drift, automatically falling into what is feels most comfortable.

    It takes a pathway and a commitment to Constant And Neverending Improvement and Innovation (CANII).

  • It requires commitment and training through a time tested and proven process. It requires a guide or coach to guide and support the client from where they specifically are to their High Performance destination.

  • I coached an entrepreneur from being financially strained, overwhelmed, lacking confidence and structure, leading an unhealthy lifestyle and feeling defeated, to seeing revenue multiply with logarithmic growth from a small local business to one with a national reach.

    This graduate now has a great management structure, excellent health practices, is able to make contributions to others, and has feeling of fulfillment.

  • Because anyone can have guaranteed access to a profound alteration in their relationship to life and living.

    High Performance is the framework within which success becomes possible.

    It goes beyond learning to generate “more and better” outcomes to being someone who can create truly transformational ones.

  • 1. Unleash the Power Within - Tony Robbins - April 2018

    2. Business Mastery - August 2018

    3. High Performance Academy courses 2020-2022 ongoing through High Performance Institute

    4. Being a Leader and Effective Exercise of Leadership as a Natural Self Expression. Luskin School Public Affairs/MBA Anderson School of Management , 2021.

    5. Certified High Performance Coaching Certification through High Performance Institute 2021

    6. Landmark Training :The Art And Mastery Of Playing The Game Of Life, Be Here now, Communication: The Power To Create, Self Expression And Leadership Program, Communication: Access To Power, Commitment: The Pathway To Adventure, Advanced Courses, Success: The Power Of Context, Landmark Forum, Communication: The Power To Create, Self-Expression and Leadership Program.

  • The 12-week coaching program investment is $7800 and 10% of all coaching investments are donated to Inspire Changes nonprofit.

    Inspire Changes provides FREE dental care to local San Diego survivors of trafficking and exploitation.

    This means that before we begin our journey, you have already made progress on the path to fulfillment by creating direct impact in your community.

So what are graduates saying?

  • "As an executive coach, I have very high expectations of who I work with for high performance coaching and you have exceeded my expectations."

  • "Elona creates a safe space for clients to be empowered, supported and help accountable."

  • "It has helped me as a business owner and in my everyday life."

  • "I have broken barriers in my personal life that were truly holding me back from being extraordinary."

  • "You have challenged me to become the best version of myself and I am forever grateful!"

Get On The Path To Peak Performance